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On the Path of Purpose – About Me – Desiree H. Young

I spent the first 10 years of my working life as a project manager and mechanical engineer where my role was to design, develop, and manage systems for chemical plants. I got bored after about 3 months, but stuck it out to prove that my Boston University education (along with the student loans) was not in vain. This stick-to-it-ness lead me to lobby for the creation of a position that would later be called human resources training specialist. In this role I trained first-time supervisors and coached employees on how to play nice (with their equipment and each other) and enable them to get what they wanted (in a nutshell – incentive checks).

Somewhere along the way, I got the message that my purpose was bigger than simply scaling the 25 foot tanks I helped design. So I left the job world and attended SMU’s Cox School of Business to continue my journey for purpose. After forfeiting the typical corporate internship I sought out self-directed consulting projects and my passion was reborn. The concentrations in marketing and entrepreneurial strategy suddenly made sense, as did my years of experience where I unconsciously forged relationships between people and things.

As an engineer, I fixed equipment and trained technicians so they could coexist and operate optimally. Today, as Founder of VentureWalk Business Partners, I develop (fix) businesses and train the entrepreneurs that lead them.

My mission is to empower leaders to be the best marketers and managers of their messages by putting systems in place to let their businesses operate better and grow stronger…without them.


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